What to Know About Frost

Frost can form when the air temperature is below 45 degrees; if we experience clear skies and calm winds, frost can settle in. Frost typically forms as the sun is rising, so if first light is 6:30 AM but sunrise isn't until 6:50 AM, frost may not settle in until 7:00 AM. So, when there is a strong chance it will settle in, maintenance will attempt to inform everyone beforehand to keep all patrons off of the grassy areas. Of note, we will use our on-site weather station for temperature readings to determine our frost threshold; as we have many microclimates on the property, readings from your phone app or O'Hare will vary from ours. One of our more noticeable microclimates that lends itself to earlier frost formation is the driving range target area, #1 and #2 on the 18, and #6 on the 9.